Media Smart Libraries and Providence Community Library are partnering to provide high school teens with after school internship experiences. School librarians, teachers, and internship coordinators from Juanita Sanchez Educational Complex and the Providence Career and Technical Academy nominated students to apply. Five students were selected based on an application and interview process, and began the 10-week program in February.
Each teen has designed a theme-based after school club for younger students with a focus in digital and media literacy. The clubs are:
Stop Motion Commotion. Led by Arimelec Oquendo, a junior JSEC. Middle schoolers learn how to develop storyboards and create short films using the stop motion animation technique. South Providence Library. Mentor: Tien Tran
Phenomenal Girl Group. Led by China Yang, a junior at JSEC. Middle school girls use social media and inspiring quotes to make a positive impact. Knight Memorial Library. Mentors: Melissa Rivera and Allison Riendeau
PC Gaming Club. Led by Genesis Rivas (11th) and Leslyann Oquendo (10th), students at JSEC. Middle school students learn how to code using Scratch and Code.org and discuss bigger trends in technology and coding careers. Mentor: Leah Lubman
Build a Better World Club. Led by Kasey Estevez, a sophomore at JSEC. Students engage in critical thinking about issues that affect others inspired by Ted Talks given by young people who want to make a positive change in the world. Mentor: Lakin Hottle
These talented young adults are gaining leadership experience as well as an introduction into the library profession. Besides planning and implementing their own programs, they help out with a variety of other tasks in the library.
Monthly training sessions to advance the teens’ own digital and media literacy skills have also been offered. Emily LeMay, from Mount Pleasant Library gave an interactive presentation on Fake News, and Lee-Ann Galli, a Media Smart Librarian from Narragansett Public Library, facilitated a fun Sonic Pi music coding workshop.
Special shout out to Cheryl Space, PCL Youth Services Coordinator; Shannon Gormley, Teacher at JSEC; Peter Quesnel, School Librarian at JSEC; and the PCL mentors for their support, time, and expertise!