Film Distribution and Licensing Webinar

You are invited to a film distribution and licensing webinar 10/28 @11 am

What: A free 60-minute webinar that helps you gain knowledge about the economics of independent film and media, understand "best practices" of film programming in public libraries, and appreciate the legal obligations of licensing for public performance. 

When: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 at 11 am 

How: Join the Google Hangout from Media Education Lab website

Who: Dr. Renee Hobbs and the Media Education Lab at the URI Harrington School of Communication and Media along with folks from the Providence Children's Film Festival (a partner with Media Smart Libraries).

Why: If you are interested in implementing film screening and discussion programming in your library, this topic touches on an important aspect to consider. 

Badge Program: Attending this webinar and showing evidence that you applied what you learned in your library is a 2 point activity that can be applied to Analyze and Evaluate, Reflect, or Take Action.


Wednesday, October 28, 2015 - 11:00am to 12:00pm