The Summer Institute in Digital Literacy 2016

Maker Mindset: The Art of Letting Go

Presenters: Mary Moen, Allison Barker, Alyssa Taft

Come to this session to continue and deepen the conversation on the ideas that Keynote Chris Lehman inspired us with this morning!

The Maker Movement is going full STEAM ahead! Schools and libraries are increasingly valuing innovation by implementing design thinking projects and developing makerspaces for creative play and materials. The Maker Movement however, is more than just a list of activities, supplies, and an available room. The facilitator's dispostion can make all the difference. In this session you will learn about the traits of a Maker Mindset and hear how educators are embracing the unfamiliar in order to be part of this progressive yet necessary learning movement.


  1. What do you believe are the skills, roles, characteristics of the educator with a maker educator mindset?
  2. Which maker educator characteristics do you currently possess and use? Which would you like to further develop?
  3. What skills or strategies will you use to reflect on your own progress towards developing a Maker Educator mindset?
  4. What connections do you see between what you have been learning this week in digital literacy and the Maker Mindset?



Slide Notes



Meaningful Making: Projects and Inspiration for FabLabs and Makerspaces. (2016). P. Blikstein, S. L. Martinez, & H. A. Pang, Eds. FabLearn. Stanford University.
Dougherty, D. (2013). The Maker Mindset (M. Honey & D. E. Kanter, Ed.). Design, Make, Play: Growing the Next Generation of STEM Innovators (pp. 7-10). New York, NY: Routledge.
Makerspace Playbook. (2013). Maker Media.
Pierrat, J. (2016, June 6). 6 Must-Haves for Developing a Maker Mindset. 
School Librarians MAKE Rhode Island: This website, created by Allison Barker, provides advocacy and resources for school librarians, media specialists, and supporters in Rhode Island to create makerspaces in their libraries.
Makerspace For Education: This website was created by three educators in for the University of British Columbia MET program.


Dweck, C. S. (2006). Mindset: The new psychology of success. New York: Random House.
Dweck, C. (2010). Mindset. 
Edutopia (2016, January 5). Resources for Teaching Growth Mindset. 

Design Thinking:

D.School (2016). Virtual Crash Course in Design Thinking. 
IDEO. (2013). Design Thinking for Educators. 
Holland, B. (2016, February 25). Design Thinking and PBL. 


Sousa, D. A., & Pilecki, T. (2013). From STEM to STEAM: Using brain-compatible strategies to integrate the arts. Corwin Press: Thousand Oaks, CA
STEAM Education. (2015). 
STEM to STEAM. (2016). 


Wednesday, July 27, 2016 - 2:30pm to 3:15pm