Thursday, February 16, 2017
6-8 pm
Weaver Library, East Providence
Series: Media Smart Libraries
Facilitator: Catherine Damiani, Emerging Technologies Librarian, Weaver Library
Back by popular demand!
At this workshop, you will find out how libraries of all kinds are already using Twitter to good effect. Whether it is to broadcast your library events, converse with other professionals, or follow experts and resources, Twitter should be one of your library's communication tools. In this session you will learn how to use Twitter and discuss ways that this micro-blogging tool can facilitate the exchange of information. If you don’t have a Twitter account yet, we recommend that you create a Twitter account ahead of time and bring your own laptop or mobile device. If you have a Twitter account, bring the password and a device and join us for more practice and deeper understanding.
An optional follow-up one one hour virtual session will be scheduled and the information will be distributed to participants.
This workshop is part of the Media Smart Libraries program which was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services Grant # LG-07-14-0045-14 awarded to the URI Graduate School of Library and Information Studies. Attendance at this workshop could be applied to the Access & Use, Analyze & Evaluate, Create & Collaborate, Reflect, or Take Action digital badge.
Intended audience: Children and Teen Librarians, School Librarians
Registration require; please register on the OLIS Website.