What's Happening

Blog / Posted by Mary Moen
The Media Smart Libraries grant project # LG-07-14-0045-14, funded by the Institute of Museum and Library services, is wrapping up. This website will be archived and hosted by the University of Rhode Island and will no longer be live. In the archived state, the resources will still be available for public access and use, they will just no longer be updated.
Although the grant period is ending, the impact of the Media Smart Libraries project will continue to be felt. The goals of the grant will...

Blog / Posted by Mary Moen
One of the best things about this grant is to see librarians take what they learned back into practice. Many people have shared with me the impact of the grant on their work and one great example is Cynthia Alexandre, a Media Smart Librarian and School Media Specialist at Goff Middle School in Pawtucket. She attended the Seeing is Believing: Understanding Data Visualization workshop with Lauren Plews, the State Data Coordinator for OLIS. Participants were tasked with creating a visual...

Blog / Posted by Mary Moen
After a short introduction by program director Mary Moen, workshop attendees were able to jump right into fun, hands-on learning led by Dan Berman of the Rhode Island Computer Museum.
In teams of two, we struggled, laughed, and whooped our way through a series of engaging challenges with Raspberry Pi, a small...

Blog / Posted by Mary Moen
Media Smart Libraries is happy to bring our popular Stop Motion Animation workshop to librarians across New England the week of September 25th!
This workshop is a free train the trainer continuing education event. This purpose of this event is to broaden the impact of the Media Smart Libraries' goal of advancing the digital and media literacy competencies of practicing librarians in order for them to provide new types of programming to patrons.
Stop Motion Animation is a great way to engage...

Blog / Posted by Alyssa Taft
When 13- year- old Jack Martin began as a library volunteer in Georgia, he had not pictured himself on a journey to the office of Executive Director of Providence Public Library. In fact, he was not sure he was going to like library work at all. After spending time filing cards in the card catalog, shelving and repairing books, Jack discovered that he had a passion for helping people and sharing his love for books.
Through his years at The University of Georgia and into the early 2000’s, Jack...