Media Smart Libraries is pourd to share videos of our events ! We are pleased to be working with several talented film-makers: Kyle Sidlik, Alex DeCiccio, and Christian Renzi. They are recent University of Rhode Island Film graduates who are tasked with producing a series of videos documenting grant activities. The first video highlights best practices of a professional learning workshop on Stop Motion Animation. This video gives viewers a feel for our hands-on, interactive learning experiences that focus on relevant digital and media literacy topics for practicing librarians. The second video documents a public event called Navigating our Digital Lives: In School and Beyond. We were lucky to have a panel of experts join us in an unconference style event at Barrington High School that included school administrators, teachers, librarians, parents and students. The third video, Libraries and the Computer Coding Movement, tells the story of how and why libraries have embraced a call to action for computer coding programs. Learn how both school and public libraries are meeting user needs and the demands of our technological world.