March 22, 2016. Narragansett, RI. Media Smart Libraries teamed up with Joan Mouradjian, Library Media Specialist and 2015 Teacher of the Year at the Narragansett Pier Middle School Library, for the workshop Starting a Video Program in Your Library. This workshop was geared towards public and school librarians interested in developing videography programs for their libraries.
The workshop began with an overview by Joan showcasing student work and describing the successes and challenges she faced while learning and teaching the videography technology. Mouradjian discussed mashups, remix videos, music, greenscreens, news casting, budgets, equipment, storyboards, and more. While the videos of student work were impressive, many participants were surprised to hear how much time and work it took to plan, film, and edit even short videos.
Next, participants viewed Mouradjian’s film studio, complete with green walls, cameras, and lights. They then had a chance to play around with the editing software Adobe Premier. Participants received a taste of how much time and work goes into building a videography program. Mouradjian stated that despite the time and effort, the kids who are dedicated really learn powerful digital literacy skills and lessons in determination.
Finally the group came back together to discuss how they envisioned a program like Mouradjian’s functioning in their libraries. Many librarians were excited about taking a baby step in film production by having their students create simple video book reviews. While there were some challenges, including time and budgetary restraints, participants also recognized how valuable this type of programming could be for patrons and students. Mouradjian cited Brien Jennings from Narragansett Elementary School as being a huge help to her in the capacity of a mentor, and encouraged other librarians to seek out partnerships with other librarians/educators for programming expertise.
Information on Mouradjian’s film production program can be found on her library LibGuide.