Starting a Makerspace in your Library: Tips and Tricks
Monday, December 5, 2016
4-6 pm
Exeter-West Greenwich Regional Junior High School
Facilitator: Bevin Winner, School Librarian, Exeter-West Greenwich Junior High School
Libraries are embracing the maker movement and here is your chance to find out the steps one librarian took to create a makerspace in her library. From proposal to budget, buy-in, material/equipment selection, activities, promotional efforts and access policies, you will learn the tips and tricks to starting a makerspace in your library. After an overview of the implementation process, participants will be able to ask questions, view student work, share their own experiences with makerspaces, and have plenty of time to play with different tools and materials. This workshop is intended for those thinking about starting a makerspace and those who are in their early stages of implementation.
Series: Media Smart Libraries
This workshop is part of the Media Smart Libraries program which was made possible in part by the Institute of Museum and Library Services. Attendance at this workshop could be applied to either the Access and Use or the Create and Collaborate digital badge.
Intended Audience: Public Librarians, School Librarians